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Member Enrollment!

Karate by the Sea

Call Us Today and become an

Empowerment Clubhouse Member!

All members must be Marin County residents who are 18 years or older. To begin the application process, you can call the Clubhouse for assistance at (415) 339-2843 or email or complete the following steps:

  1. Visit Empowerment Clubhouse and complete Enrollment Packet. 

  2. Download and fill out an ‘Authorized Release of Information Form’ and bring with you to complete enrollment. You can also obtain a copy at the clubhouse.

  3. Download and have your service provider (psychiatrist, case manager, counselor or therapist) complete the ‘Provider form for Member Eligibility’ you can also complete this at the clubhouse.  Your provider must fax this form directly to the MCCDC Operations-Clubhouse at (415) 332-0337 or mail it to


Marin City Community Development Corporation


441 Drake Avenue

Marin City, CA  94965


​Once all of your forms have been received, including the Provider Verification, you will be contacted to attend an orientation meeting (providing you have met the eligibility requirements).


After the orientation meeting, you can start attending all Clubhouse activities!


We look forward to meeting YOU!

Contact Clubhouse for activities

on these major holidays!


May 30th Memorial Day

July 4th -Independence Day

September 5th Labor Day

October 10th – Columbus Day

December 5th Veterans Day

December 25th–Christmas

"The Empowerment Clubhouse is a program supported by the County of Marin Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) using Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funding."

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Marin City Community Development Corporation

501(c)(3) EIN #94-2657360

441 Drake Avenue, Marin City, CA 94965

Hours Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

Visit Empowerment Clubhouse link above for special hours

Call: (415) 339 - 2837

Fax: (415) 332 - 0337

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